Monday, February 24, 2020

CJUS 420 Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CJUS 420 Research Paper - Essay Example account of the investigation problems that cause the victims to refute to their accusations and finally, details of ways of improvements that can result in better investigative process. Sexual abuse in the United States is a major concern of the whole society, but analysis indicates that known numbers of child abuse victims are not right. The information that is available about the child abuse cases is really incomplete because of certain factors. Child Protection Agencies present reports related to approximated happenings of child sexual abuses and these are the reports that these agencies obtain and corroborate (London, et al, 2005). The estimated reports cannot be categorized as the overall reports of all the incidents as there are many unreported cases left. Even some reports are filed on small scales that never reach the child protection agencies. In addition, the precision of judgment of child sexual abuse cases is complicated because of lack of therapeutic and physical proofs, and extensive cases that are full of loopholes. Further, the psychologists have not sorted out any specific symptom resulting to sexual abuse. Children’s self-reporting proofs a ppear as the only diagnosis of the happening of child sexual abuse (London, et al, 2005). There is a general conception that children try not to disclose the incident of sexual abuse in their childhood mostly. London, et al (2005) informs that studies indicate towards one-third ratio of reported sexual abuse cases by children, as mostly, they try to conceal the suffering. However, the studies also reveal the fact that children delay in disclosing about the sexual abuse, as they usually take much time in disclosing. The sexually abused children are also claimed to repudiate their revelations about their suffering. Some adults as children have experiences of sexual abuse and many of them recall about their failure to disclose the suffering to anyone during their childhood. This failure is common in sexually

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Charater in education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Charater in education - Essay Example Character education is mainly based on two premises. The first premise is that virtues are objectively the good human qualities and are good for humans whether they know them or not. Virtues have a claim on human’s personal as well as collective conscience. Basically, they are affirmed by religions and cultures around the world. In simpler terms, virtues express the common humanity of human beings. They transcend time and culture. Unselfishness, pursuit of truth, diligence, wisdom, perseverance and patience has always and will remain to be virtues, irrespective of the number of people practicing them (Lickona, 2004). Humans form beliefs that make it more likely for them to act virtuously in future. Beliefs are not only the mental states worth mentioning, but emotions and desires are also equally important for virtuous behavior. Just having a belief, for example to stop gossiping can leave somebody indifferent to actually behave in that way if he or she does not also care about these things. Therefore, for humans to become virtuous they have to form appropriate beliefs and cultivate the right emotions and desires. Right emotions and desires are the components that play a central role in having virtuous people (YouTube video, 2007). The very first set of beliefs basically has to do with the character of other people. However, people also beliefs about themselves such as believing that they are honest, they care about other people, and their spouses think that they care for other people or other people do not see them as lazy. The first two sets of beliefs are mainly about people’s own virtuous character. Labeling themselves in this way can have an effect on their virtuous behavior since they want to live up to how they believe in themselves to be moral people. On the other hand, the third and the fourth beliefs have to do with